Bearing Fault Detection for Direct-Drive Wind Turbine via Stator Current Spectrum Analysis
Gong, X.,  & Qiao, W., (September 17-22, 2011).  Proceedings of the 2011  IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2011),  313-318.

Current-Based Diagnosis for Gear Tooth Breaks in Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Lu, D., Gong, X.,  & Qiao, W., (September 15-20, 2012). Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition 2012 (ECCE 2012),  3780-3786.

Current-Based Online Bearing Fault Diagnosis for Direct-Drive Wind Turbines via Spectrum Analysis and Impulse Detection
Gong, X.,  & Qiao, W., (July 2012).  IEEE Symposium, Power Electronics and Machines in Wind Applications. 1-6.

Generator Design for Existent Windmills: From Water Pumping to Electricity Generation
Colton, J., Patterson, D.,  Hudgins, J.  L., & Vacha, K., (June 24-26, 2009).  IEEE Power Electronics & Machines in Wind Applications Conference Record, Digital Object Identifier, 10.1109/PEMWA 5208330, 1-5.

Hourly Cooling Load Forecasting Using Time-Indexed ARX Models
Guo, Y.,  Nazarian, E., Ko, J., Rajurkar; K., (2014).  Energy Conversion and Management, 80, 46-53.

Imbalance Fault Detection of Direct-Drive Wind Turbines Using Generator Current Signals
Gong, X.,  & Qiao, W., (June 20112).  IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion,  27 (2),  468-476.

Incipient Bearing Fault Detection via Wind Generator Stator Current and Wavelet Filter
Gong, X.,  Qiao, W., & Zhou, W., (November 7-10, 2010). Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the IEEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2615-2620.

Maximum Power Extraction from a Small Wind Turbine Using 4-Phase Interleaved Boot Converter 
Ni, L., Patterson, D. J., & Hudgins, J. L., (June 2009).   IEEE Power Electronics & Machines in Wind Applications Conference Record, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1-5.

Simulation Investigation of Wind Turbine Imbalance Faults
Gong, X.,  & Qiao, W., (October 24-28, 2010).  Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Power System Technology, 1-7.

Wind for Irrigation Application 
Parigi, F., Gachovska, T.,  Hudgins, J. L., & Patterson, D. J., (June 24-26, 2009).  IEEE Power Electronics & Machines in Wind Applications Conference Record, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/PEMWA.2009.5208331,  1-4.