2013/2014 Energy Research Grants (Cycle 7)

Developing Efficient Pyrite Photovoltaic Cells
Principal Investigator:  Jinsong Huang, Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
PI web page:  Jinsong Huang Webpage
Abstract:  701 Jinsong Huang Abstract

Three-Dimensional Graphene-based Scaffolds for Supercapacitor Applications
Principal Investigator:  Alexander Sinitskii, Department of Chemistry
PI web page:  Alexander Sinitskii Webpage
Abstract:     702 Alexander Sinitskii Abstract

Developing a Break-through in Methane Production from Anaerobic Digestion of Open-Lot Feedlot Manure
Principal Investigator:  Galen Erickson,  Department of Animal Science
PI web page:  Galen Erickson Webpage
Abstract:  703 Galen Erickson Abstract

High Throughput Screening for Compounds that Induce Lipid Accumulation in Algae for Biofuel Production
Principal Investigator:  Concetta DiRusso, Department of Biochemistry
PI web page: Concetta DiRusso Webpage
Abstract:   704 Concetta DiRusso Abstract

Near-Field (Nano-Gap) Concentrated Solar Thermophotovoltaic Microsystem
Principal Investigator:  Sidy Ndao, Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
PI web page:  Sidy Ndao Webpage
Abstract:  705 Sidy Ndao Abstract

Enhancement of Pyroelectric Effect on Organic-Inorganic Interfaces
Principal Investigator:  Axel Enders, Department of Physics and Astronomy
PI Web Page:  Axel Enders Webpage
Abstract:  706 Axel Enders Abstract

Award:  Donna Kunkel, STM-Guided Materials Discovery of 2D Ferroelectric Cocrystals”, 74th 25-Physical Electronics Conference, La Crosse, WI   – Presentation on June 26.   Received the Nottingham Prize (very prestigious for graduate students in condensed matter physics, June 25-27, 2014   (Partially funded by NCESR)


Collaborative Carbon Capture Research Principal Investigator:  Yasar Demirel, Department of  Chemical and  Biomolecular Engineering
PI web page:  Yasar Demirel Webpage
Abstract:   Yasar Demirel abstract