2007-2008 Energy Center Research Grants (Cycle 2)

NCESR Test page

Category 1:  Wind energy science and policy research, and economic entrepreneurialism associated with development of wind energy in Nebraska.

The Viability of Distributed Wind Generation for Farm and Rural Communities
Principal Investigator: Jerry Hudgins, Electrical Engineering
Co-Investigators:  Terrance Sebora, Center for Entrepreneurship, Ronald Yoder, Biological Systems Engineering
PI web page: Jerry Hudgins Webpage
Abstract: 201 Jerry Hudgins Abstract

Category 2. Sustainability of corn and soybean biofuel systems research, including the impact on greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, sustainability of feedstock supply, water constraints, and policy issues.

Enzymes for Enhancing Ethanol Production from Lignocellulose
Principal Investigator:  James L. Van Etten
Co-Investigators:  Vicki L. Schlegel, Food Sciences and Technology; Kenneth Nickerson, Biological Sciences
PI web page: James Van Etten Webpage
Abstract: James Van Etten Abstract

Category 3.  Biomass energy research:  biological and thermo-chemical conversion of cellulosic biomass to bioenergy, biofuel and bioproducts, gasification, power co-generation using biomass feedstock

Controls for Biomass Heating and Impact on Greenhouse Profitability
Principal Investigator:  George E. Meyer
Co-Principal Investigator:  Francis J. (John) Hay, Assistant Extension Educator
PI web page: George Meyer Webpage
Abstract: George Meyer Abstract

 Category 4.  Energy efficient architecture and environmental control systems

Passive Solar Powered Earth Contact Heat Exchangers for Cooling Buildings
Principal Investigator:  Bing Chen, Computer and Electronics Engineering
Co-Principal Investigator:  Gang Wang, Architectural Engineering
PI web page:  Bing Chen Webpage
Abstract:  Bing Chen Abstract

Barriers to Adoption of Energy Efficient Practices and Technology by Small Businesses
Principal Investigator:  Shirley Niemeyer, Housing and Environment Research, Extension
Co-Principal Investigator:  Jerry Deichert, Center for Public Affairs Research
PI web page:  No longer at University of Nebraska
Abstract:  Shirley Niemeyer Abstract