2020/2021 Energy Research Grants (Cycle 14)

Grid Reliability and Resilience Enhancement through Advanced Modeling and Autonomous Grid-Forming Control for Photovoltaic Systems
Principal Investigator:  Wei Qiao, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-PI:  Liyan Qu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PI web page: https://engineering.unl.edu/ece/faculty/wei-qiao/
Abstract:   Wei Qiao Abstract and Web Address


Lignin Based Ion Conducting Materials for Energy Conversion/Storage Device
Principal Investigator:  Shudipto Dishari, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Mark Wilkins, Departments of Biological Systems Engineering/Food Science & Technology
PI web page:  https://engineering.unl.edu/chme/faculty/shudipto-dishari/
Abstract: Dishari Abstract and Web Address


Selective H2 Separation Using Mixed Matrix Membranes and its Utilization
Principal Investigator: Chris Cornelius, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Siamak Nejati,  Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
PI web page:  https://engineering.unl.edu/christopher-cornelius/
Abstract:  Cornelius Abstract and Website Address


Developing a Green Biorefinery Approach for Rural Processing of High-Value
Camelina and Sorghum Co-Products
Principal Investigator:  Ozan Ciftci, Department of Food Science & Technology
Co-PI:  Edgar Cahoon, Department of Biochemistry
Co-PI:  Kaustav Majumder, Department of Food Science & Technology
PI web page:  https://foodsci.unl.edu/ciftci
Abstract:  Ciftci Abstract and Website Address
