2019/2020 Energy Research Grants (Cycle 13)

Novel High-Entropy Ceramic Materials for Extreme Environments
Principal Investigator:  Bai Cui, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Co-PI: Yongfeng Lu, Electrical and Computer Engineering
PI web page: https://engineering.unl.edu/mme/faculty/bai-cui/
Abstract:  Bai Cui Abstract and Website Address

Probing Localized Nanomechanical Properties of Energy-Harvesting Polymers
Principal Investigator:  Stephen Ducharme, Physics and Astromy
Co-PIs: Joseph Turner and Wen Qian, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
PI web page: https://unlcms.unl.edu/cas/physics/ducharme/
Abstract:  Stephen Ducharme Abstract and Website Address

Conversion of Lignin from Lignocellulosic Biomass into Biodegradable Plastic
Principal Investigator:  Rajib Saha, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI:  Mark R. Wilkins, Industrial Agricultural Products Center
PI web page:  https://engineering.unl.edu/chme/faculty/rajib-saha/
Abstract:  Rajib Saha Abstract and Website Adderess

Electronic and Mechanical Properties of MXene-Modified Carbon-Based Composites
Principal Investigator:  Alexander Sinitskii, Department of Chemistry
Co-PI:  Yuris Dzenis, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
PI web page:  https://chem.unl.edu/alexander-sinitskii
Abstract:  Alexander Sinitskii Abstract and Website Address

Doping Metal-Chalcogenide Quantum Dot Solar Cells for Enhanced Device Performance
Principal Investigator:  Takashi Komesu, Physics and Astronomy
Co-PI:  Tula Paudel, Physics and Astronomy
PI web page:
Abstract: Takashi Komesu Abstract

Understanding Real-Time Irrigation Behavior to Improve Energy Efficiency in Agriculture
Principal Investigator:  Nicholas Brozovic, Agricultural Economics
Co-PI: Taro Mieno and Karina Schoengold, Agricultural Economics
PI web page:  https://agecon.unl.edu/faculty/nick-brozovic
Abstract:  Cycle 13 Nicholas Brozovic Abstract

Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Oxygenates by Plasma Catalysis
Principal Investigator:  Barry Cheung, Department of Chemistry
Co-PI:  Vitaly Alexandrov, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
PI web page:  https://chem.unl.edu/barry-cheung
Abstract:  Cheung Abstract and Website Address

Theoretical/Experimental Investigations at the Molecular Level for Making Anti-Icing Utility Power Lines
Principal Investigator:  Dennis Alexander, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-PI:  Xiao Zeng, Department of Chemistry, and Craig Zuhlke, Electrical and Computer Engineering
PI web page:  https://engineering.unl.edu/ece/faculty/dennis-alexander/
Abstract:  Alexander Abstract and Website Address

Heat Pump Grain Storage System Development and Demonstration
Principal Investigator:  David Yuill, Architectural Engineering
Co-PI:  Mary-Grace Danao, Food Science and Technology
PI web page: https://engineering.unl.edu/durhamschool/faculty/david-yuill/
Abstract:  Yuill Abstract and Website Address

Reducing Energy Needs for Hazardous Air Treatment Emitted During Ethanol Production
Principal Investigator:  Bruce Dvorak, Civil Engineering
Co-PI:  Mohamed Dahab, Civil Engineering
PI web page:  https://engineering.unl.edu/civil/bruce-dvorak/
Abstract:  Bruce Dvorak (Aly Hassan) Abstract and Website Address