2024/2025 Energy Research Grants (Cycle 18)

Low Cost and Clean Energy Storage Based on Molecular Ferroelectrics and Antiferroelectrics
Principal Investigator (PI): Xiaoshan Xu, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Co-PI: Xia Hong, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Co-PI: Takashi Komesu, Department of Physics and Astronomy
PI Webpage: https://www.unl.edu/physics/xiaoshan-xu
Abstract: 20-901-Xiaosham Xu Abstract

Cure-in-Place Phase Change Thermal Interface Material for Superior Thermal Management in High-Power Energy Systems
Principal Investigator (PI): Eric Markvicka, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Co-PI: Lucia Fernandez-Ballester, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/mme/faculty/eric-markvicka/
Abstract: 20-902-Eric Markvicka Abstract

Discovery of Multiple Element Alloys for Preventing Hydrogen Embrittlement
Principal Investigator (PI): Jian Wang, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Co-PI: Bai Cui, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/mme/faculty/jian-wang/
Abstract: 20-903-Jian Wang Abstract

Electrocatalysts for Green Hydrogen: Tailored 2D Materials based on Metal Carbide
Principal Investigator (PI): Siamak Nejati, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Alexander Sinitskii, Department of Chemistry
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/chme/faculty/siamak-nejati/
Abstract: 20-904-Siamak Nejati Abstract

Next Generation Embedded Wireless Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbines
Principal Investigator (PI): Joseph Turner, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Co-PI: Shubhendu Bhardwaj, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-PI: Ravi Saraf, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/mme/joseph-turner/
Abstract: 20-905-Josesph Turner Abstract

An Intelligent Adaptive Modular Battery Energy Storage System for the Built Environment
Principal Investigator (PI): Moe Alahmad, Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction
Co-PI: Xiaoqi Liu, Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction
Co-PI: Hamid Sharif, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/durhamschool/faculty/moe-alahmad/
Abstract: 20-906-Moe Alahmad Abstract

Microgrid Mastermind: The Quest for Reliable Electricity
Principal Investigator (PI): Francis John Hay, Biological Systems Engineering
Co-PI: Jennifer Keshwani, Biological Systems Engineering
PI Webpage: https://bse.unl.edu/faculty/f-john-hay/
Abstract: 20-907-Francis John Hay Abstract

Subsurface Hydrogen Migration and Reactions for Geological Hydrogen Production and Engineered Storage
Principal Investigator (PI): Seunghee Kim, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Co-PI: Karrie A Weber, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Co-PI: Hyun-Seob Song, Department of Biological Systems Engineering
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/cee/faculty/seunghee-kim/
Abstract: 20-908-Seunghee Kim Abstract

Systems Metabolic Engineering of Pseudomonas putida for the Bioproduction of C6 Chemicals from Lignin-derived Aromatics
Principal Investigator (PI): Wei Niu, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Chi Zhang, Department of Biochemistry
PI Webpage: https://engineering.unl.edu/chme/faculty/wei-niu/
Abstract: 20-909-Wei Niu Abstract