Projects by Subject: Hydrogen

To view publications in this area, go to Research Grant Publications on red bar, click, and select Hydrogen.

  1. Hydrogen Production and Storage Using Wind and Nuclear Sources
    Principal Investigator: Jerry L. Hudgins, Electrical Engineering Co-Investigator(s): Sohrab Asgarpoor, Electrical Engineering, Dean Patterson, Electrical Engineering
    PI web page: Jerry Hudgins Web Page
    Abstract:  Cycle 1-Jerry-Hudgins-Abstract
  2. A Route to Store Off-Peak Energy:  New Hydrogen Storage materials and synthetic Strategy to Optimize Hydrogen Adsorption
    Principal Investigator:  Wonyoung Choe, Chemistry
    PI web page:  No longer at the University of Nebraska
    Abstract: Cycle 3-Wonyoung-Choe-Abstract
  3. Enhanced Hydrogen Electrolysis and Heat Transfer Using Micro/Nano Structured Surfaces
    Principal Investigator:  Dennis Alexander, Electrical Engineering
    PI web pageDennis Alexander Web Page
    AbstractCycle 6-Dennis-Alexander-Abstract
  4. Selective H2 Separation Using Mixed Matrix Membranes and Its Utilization
    Principal Investigator:  Chris Cornelius, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
    Co-PI:  Siamak Nejati,  Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
    PI web page:  Christopher Cornelius Web Page
    Abstract:  Cycle 14-Christopher-Cornelius-Abstract
  5. Photocatalytic Corrosive Nanostructured Electrode to Split Water
    Principal Investigator (PI): Ravi Saraf, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Co-PI: Yanan (Laura) Wang, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    PI web page: Ravi Saraf Web Page
    Abstract: Cycle 17-Ravi-Saraf-Abstract
  6. Electrocatalysts for Green Hydrogen: Tailored 2DMaterials based on Metal Carbide
    Principal Investigator (PI): Siamak Nejati, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Co-PI: Alexander Sinitskii, Department of Chemistry
    PI web page: Siamak Nejati Web Page
    Abstract: Cycle 18-Siamak-Najati-Abstract