To view publications on this topic, go to Research Grant Publications on the red bar, click, and select Biofuels and Bioproducts.
- Application of Biochar as Carbon Sequestering and Beneficial Additive in
Principal Investigator: Jiong Hu, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Co-PI: Adam Smith, Nebraska Forest Service
PI web page:
Abstract: Jiong Hu abstract - Biochemical Analysis of Microalgae for Enhanced Oil Synthesis and Biomass in a Waste Water System
Principal Investigator: Paul Black, Department of Biochemistry
Co-PIs: Yasar Demirel, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department and Wayne Riekhof, School of Biological Sciences
PI web page: Paul Black Webpage
Abstract: 20-106 Paul Black Abstract - Biosynthesis of Ethylene Glycol from Renewable Resources
Principal Investigator: Jiantao Guo, Department of Chemistry
Co-PIs: Mark Wilson, Department of Biochemistry, and Wei Niu, Department of Chemistry
PI web page: Jiantao Guo Webpage
Abstract: 907 Jiantao Guo Abstract - Biosynthesis of Novel Polyunsaturated Odd-Carbon Dicarboxylic Acids as New Polymer Feedstocks
Principal Investigator: Liangcheng Du, Department of Chemistry
Co-PI: Patrick Dussault, Department of Chemistry; Yiqi Yang, Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design
PI web page: Liangcheng Du Webpage
Abstract: Liangcheng Du Abstract - Carbon-Negative Biofuels from Gasification and Pyrolysis of Biomass
Principal Investigator: David Jones, Biological Systems Engineering
PI web page: David Jones Webpage
Abstract: 306 David Jones Abstract - Co-Synthesis of Bioenergy Proteins To Increase Microbial Biofuel Competitiveness
Principal Investigator: Paul Blum, School of Biological Sciences Co-PI: Joseph Turner, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
PI web page: Paul Blum Webpage
Abstract: 801 Paul Blum Abstract - Developing a Break-through in Methane Production from Anaerobic Digestion of Open-Lot Feedlot Manure
Principal Investigator: Galen Erickson, Department of Animal Science
PI web page: Galen Erickson Webpage
Abstract: 703 Galen Erickson Abstract - Dried Distillers Grains as a Source of Supplemental Energy and Protein for Developing Replacement Heifers
Principal Investigator: Rick N. Funston, West Central Research and Extension Center
Co-Investigator(s): Andrea S. Cupp, Animal Science, Rick J. Rasby, Animal Science
PI web page: Rick Funston Webpage
PI Abstract: 113 Rick Funston Abstract - Establishing the Synthetic Potential of Geothermal Dehydrogenases
Principal Investigator: David Berkowitz, Chemistry
PI web page: David Berkowitz Webpage
Abstract: David Berkowitz Abstract - Ethanol as an Energy Source and Terminal Reductant: Exploitation of Thermophilic Redox Enzymes in Catalyst Development and Screening
Principal Investigator: David Berkowitz, Chemistry
Co-Investigator(s): Paul Blum, School of Biological Sciences
PI web page: David Berkowitz Webpage
Abstract: 101 David Berkowitz Abstract - Ethanol: Utilization of By-Products
Principal Investigator: Hossein Noureddini, Chemistry & Biomolecular Engineering
PI web page: Hossein Noureddini Webpage
Abstract: 103 Hossein Noureddini Abstract - Exploiting the Synergy between Ethanol and Distillers Grains
Principal Investigator: Galen Erickson, Animal Science Co-Investigator(s): Terry Klopfenstein, Animal Science
PI web page: Galen Erickson Webpage
PI abstract: 111 Galen Erickson Abstract - Exploring Microbial Metabolic Diversity for the Utilization of Lignin-Derived Aromatics
Principal Investigator: Wei Niu, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Joseph Barycki, Department of Biochemistry
PI web page: Wei Niu Webpage
Abstract: 20-202 Wei Niu Abstract - Generation of Bioenergy from Solid Agricultural Wastes with Novel Microbial Fuel Cell Technology
Principal Investigator: Tian C. Zhang, Civil Engineering
PI web page: Tian Zhang Webpage
Abstract: Tian Zhang Abstract - Generation of Biomass-Derived Feedstocks for Biofuel and Bioenergy Production
Principal Investigator: Jiantao Guo, Chemistry
PI web page: Jiantao Guo Webpage
Abstract: 502 Jiantao Guo Abstract - High Efficiency Acetylation of Biomass and Co-Products of Ethanol Production for Value-Added Bioproducts
Principal Investigator: Yiqi Yang; Textiles, Clothing and Design
PI web page: Yiqi Yang Webpage
Abstract: Yiqi Yang Abstract - High Throughput Screening for Compounds that Induce Lipid Accumulation in Algae for Biofuel Production
Principal Investigator: Concetta DiRusso, Department of Biochemistry
PI web page: Concetta DiRusso Webpage
Abstract: 704 Concetta DiRusso Abstract - Implementation of Synthetic Biology for Next-Generation Biofuel Crop Improvement
Principal Investigator: Edgar Cahoon, Department of Biochemistry
Co-PI: Thomas Clemente, Agronomy and Horticulture
PI web page: Edgar Cahoon Webpage
Abstract: 902 Edgar Cahoon Abstract - Improving Ethanol Production Efficiency: Optimization of Corn-based Feedstock Energy Conversions
Principal Investigator: David Jackson, Food Science & Technology
Co-Investigator(s): Wajira S. Ratnayake, Food Science & Technology, Rolando A. Flores, Food Science & Technology, Galen Erickson, Animal Science
PI web page: David Jackson Webpage
Abstract: 102 David Jackson Abstract - Integrating Agricultural, Algal, and Bioenergy Systems for Nebraska: Fruition of the SUPER Loop
Principal Investigator: Galen Erickson, Animal Science Department
Co-PIs: Yufeng Ge and Amy Millmier Schmidt, Biological Systems Engineering
PI web page: Galen Erickson Webpage
Abstract: 904 Galen Erickson Abstract - Integrated Systems for CO2 Capture, Anaerobic Digestion, and Algae Production
Principal Investigator: George Oyler, Biochemistry
PI web page: PI no longer at UNL.
Abstract: 508 George Oyler Abstract - Mechanisms of Action of Activators of Algal Biomass Production and Lipid Accumulation Grown at Pilot Scale on Anaerobic Digestate of Agricultural Waste Products
Principal Investigator: Wayne Riekhof, School of Biological Sciences
Co-PI: Concetta DiRusso, Department of Biochemistry
PI web page: Wayne Riekhof Webpage
Abstract: 906 Wayne Riekhof Abstract - Microbial Electrosynthetic Conversion of CO2 and Carbonates into Biogas and Bioproducts
Principal Investigator: Karrie Weber, School of Biological Sciences
Co-PI: Nicole Buan, Department of Biochemistry
PI web page: Karrie Weber Webpage
Abstract: Karrie Weber Abstract - Micro/Nanomechanical Studies of Switchgrass Composition and Cellulose Breakdown Kinetics
Principal Investigator: Joseph Turner, Engineering Mechanics
PI web page: Joseph Turner Webpage
Abstract: 505 Joseph Turner Abstract
Poster: Quantifying the Viscoelastic Properties of Switchgrass Using Micro/Nano-Engineering Tools: Preliminary results - Nanostructured Design of Catalysts for Converting Glycerol to Value Added Chemicals
Principal Investigator: Xiao Cheng Zeng, Chemistry
PI web page: Xiao Cheng Zeng Webpage
Abstract: 511 Xiao Zeng Abstract - Novel Supercapacitors Based on Nano-Structured Materials
Principal Investigator: Yongfeng Lu, Electrical Engineering
Co-Investigator(s): Dennis Alexander, Electrical Engineering, and Andrzej Rajca, Chemistry
PI web page: Yongfeng Lu Webpage
Abstract: 501 Yongfeng Lu Abstract - Optimization of Biosoprene Production from Renewable and Captured Carbon
Principal Investigator: Nicole Buan, Biochemistry
Co-PI: Karrie Weber, School of Biological Sciences
PI web page:
Abstract: Nicole Buan abstract - Optimizing Algae and Biogas Production in SUPER Loop Biorefineries
Principal Investigator: Galen Erickson, Animal Science
PI web page: Galen Erickson Webpage
Abstract: 506 Galen Erickson Abstract
Poster: Comparing Dry, Wet, or Modified Distillers Grains Plus Solubles on Feedlot Cattle Performance - Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ethanol with Byproduct Feeding
Principal Investigator: Galen Erickson, Animal Science
Co-Investigator(s): Terry Klopfenstein, Animal Science, Adam Liska, Agronomy and Horticulture
PI web page: Galen Erickson Webpage
Abstract: 301 Galen Erickson Abstract - Technical and Economical Analyses of Combined Heat and Power Generation for Distillers Grains
Principal Investigator: Lijun Wang, Biological Systems Engineering
Co-Investigator(s): Milford A. Hanna, Biological Systems Engineering, Curtis L. Weller, Biological Systems Engineering, David D. Jones, Biological Systems Engineering
PI web page: No longer at the University of Nebraska
Abstract: 104 Lijun Wang Abstract
- Toward High Value-Added Products from Lignin: A Hybrid Chemo/Biocatalytic Approach
Principal Investigator: David Berkowitz, Department of Chemistry
Co-PI: Mark Wilson, Department of Biochemistry
PI web page: David Berkowitz Webpage
Abstract: 20-104 David Berkowitz Abstract - Western Nebraska Perennial Grass Production Under Variable Water for Ethanol Production
Principal Investigator: Gary Hergert, Panhandle Research and Extension Center
PI web page: Gary Hergert Webpage
Abstract: 302 Gary Hergert Abstract